The self-assessment exercise is an effective approach to gain a clear understanding of current situation by an informative SWOT analysis. The self-assessment exercise helps to judge the overall effectiveness of academic program and educational processes. It provides an opportunity to attain a deeper understanding of the areas that may need improvement. Thus, self-assessment becomes one of the core activities of the quality assurance process. It has gained increasing importance to address the critical issues for credible quality assurance system.
Self-assessment becomes a very important exercise to the academic institutions for continuous improvement and quality assurance in education. It refers to a comprehensive and systematic process of collecting and analyzing information from major stakeholders on the QA areas and related aspects of the educational institution. The SA process allows the organization to identify the strengths and areas in which improvements are required for quality education. It also provides information to participants, allowing them to evaluate and understand the overall quality of academic programs. Self-assessment provides a direction and guidelines to prepare comprehensive improvement plan addressing the issues critical to quality assurance. The understanding and practice of self-assessment promotes developmental process. It is never exhaustive in its ability to grow. It enables the participants of the program and/or institution to observe the situation precisely and to identify the deficiencies between expectations and actual performances.