BFA Program

There is a good opportunities for the students to learn basic visual representation techniques through their pencil, pen-ink and ink brush studies in first year. Maximum students are totally fresher in this kind of practices and for that reason pencil is preferred which is easier than the any other painting mediums. Tonal sense is developed in this year which is very useful in the study with light and shade.

In the second year, students’ main practice media is water color. Students achieve the skill in water color through different kind of practices such as still life, head study, composition and so on. Students could gather the knowledge on color theory in this year which is really helpful for their future practices in oil color.

Third year and fourth year are totally oil color based and students deal with the figure specially the human figure. Figurative composition is studied by the students and other practices are also involved with the human figure. In the Fourth year, there is a subject Experimental composition that helps the students to build up their own concept in terms of their practices and this kind of practices create opportunities for better outcomes in MFA program.

To develop the knowledge in art history, there are some art history base courses such as History of world Art, History of Western Art, The Art of South Asia & Bengal, Folk, Ethnic & 20th Century Art and so on. This kind of courses helps students to enrich their point of view in terms of art history and practice.

The students have to achieve good knowledge in painting techniques, representational policies and art history subjects to obtain their BFA (Honors) Degree.

BFA in Drawing and Painting 
 Total Marks and Credit:

                        Year                      Marks                         Credit
                BFA 1st Year                       600                             54
                BFA 2nd Year                       500                             44
                BFA 3rd Year                       500                             44
                BFA 4th Year                       600                             48
            Total marks 2200                  Total credit 190